"Legacy" Solo Exhibition
Los Angeles, United States
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Thinkspace Gallery
In Legacy, Dulk presents an ominous carnival, a brightly hued universe of ecological disasters and totemic portents. Though aspects of the grotesque darken them, the world’s Dulk stages are governed by an imaginative innocence and a desire to unify rather than to divide. The most innocent appeal to love of all, the heart, appears throughout his imagery amidst the implicit violence of the skulls, the targets, and the arrows. A philosophic onism lurks in the multiplicity and infinite interconnectedness imagined by Dulk, a world of artistic albeit absurd biologies that urge us to take heed before it is too late.

Dulk grew up surrounded by wildlife, books, and encyclopedias, studying the subtleties and variants of animal etiologies and sketching them. He now travels extensively worldwide to research and source exotic specimens for his own works, combining the biologist’s impulse to catalog with the surrealist’s love of creative chaos. The specificity of Dulk’s imagery rivals that of a miniaturist’s, with hidden vignettes, characters, subplots, and gems peppered throughout his tightly composed images.
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“Dulk’s environmental advocacy, though not the primary impetus for his work, is built into the pathos it undeniably conveys”.

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