Discovering Australia for the first time!

Finally, after several attempts, we had the opportunity to visit Australia! To start the trip, we faced the challenge of painting a water tower in Mathoura, one of the best places for birdwatching (in fact, the main theme of the mural), and after some hard teamwork, we got it! Then, as we are wont to do, we spent a few days exploring the place, as well as some of the islands of the country that we were so keen to see.

School children’s versions of the mural. So cute!

Celebrating success!
First we explored the area around Mathoura, including the Murray River, where we saw lots of yellow-crested cockatoos, kingfishers, galah cockatoos, yellow rosellas… and of course lots and lots of red gums!

Getting started in the world of wildlife photography

As we were staying at Moama, we profited to discover the towns of Echuca and Moama, take a cruise on the Murray River or enjoy an Aussie barbecue. Even getting stuck in the mud!

Some of the animals that appear in the mural that we saw in the wild!

After a few days, we travelled to Tasmania to see some of the animals we wanted to see, including the platypus and Tasmanian devil, and we did it! There we explored some places like Cradle Mountain, Bicheno or Hobart to see different ecosystems: from humid, cloudy forests at Cradle Mountain to coastal landscapes at Bicheno.
Finally, we spent a few days on Kangaroo Island, where we saw lots of koalas (so cute!) or Australian sea-lions. Surely one of the perfect trips to get inspired and return to the studio with hundreds of new ideas!